Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Telus uses You Tube takedown notice to suppress worker criticism

Claiming ownership of news reports about 2005's lockout and even personal videos filmed by union members on the picket line, Telus has apparently tried to wipe any and all criticism of the company from YouTube.

This is the same company that blocked it's internet customers from accessing a pro union website during the lockout. No, I'm not kidding.

Among the clips included in the current Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notices filed by Telus were worker filmed videos of Telus hired security goons assaulting picketers and this 2005 CTV news report featuring picketing workers expressing disappointment about being lied to about outsourcing and a Telus executive promising the outsourcing of customer service to the Philippines would end with the lockout.

Telus customer service calls are still being transfered to the Philippines today.

Update: Telus can get into serious trouble for this kind of thing.

Hat tip to Chironboy

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